Mission, Texas Brain

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mission HS choir students qualify for state UIL competitions

Mission High School (MHS) choir students earned 20 superior solo ratings, 8 excellent solo ratings, and the men’s quartet a solo rating at the recent UIL vocal solo and ensemble competition. A total of 13 soloists and the men’s quartet have qualified for the UIL Texas State Solo and Ensemble contest that will be held in Austin, TX in May. The qualifying students all earned a superior rating, performing a class one piece of music;which is considered college level.

The state solo qualifiers are: Claudia Alaniz, Xavier Alonzo, Emara Balderas, Esai Balderas, Frankie Chaires, Paola Colunga, Carolina Gonzalez, Joel Guerrero, Anna Hernandez, Danielle Meza, Oscar Salinas, Samantha Sanchez, Jorge Trevino.
The members of the state qualifying men’s quartet are: Xavier Alonzo, Esai Balderas, Joel Guerrero, Oscar Salinas.

While not advancing to state, many other MHS choir students earned superior or excellent ratings on their class two or class three pieces of music.

Superior ratings were earned by: J.J. Gaitan, Clarissa Gomez, Evelyn Gutierrez, Karolina Vargas, Brianna Cantu, Samantha Esquivel, Victoria Olvera.

Excellent ratings were earned by: Jahaira Cardoza, Maggie Garcia, Yessica Perez, Anna Pollard, Deanna Pollard, Sarah Cantu, Zitlalith Cantu, Kim Reyes.

Pictured are the students who are advancing to the state UIL competition. Front row: Paola Colunga, Carolina Gonzalez, Daniella Meza, Anna Hernandez. On the middle row are: Samantha Sanchez, Xavier Alonzo, Esai Balderas, Claudia Alaniz. On the top row are: Joel Guerrero, Oscar Salinas, Frankie Chaires.

Not pictured are: Emara Balderas and Jorge Trevino.

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Contact: Craig Verley, Director of Public Relations and Marketing 
Office: 956-323-5530 • Mobile: 537-5565 • Fax: 956-323-8103 • cverley@mcisd.org

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