Mission, Texas Brain

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

VMHS choir students advance

The choir directors at Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) say they are seeing their strongest year yet, since the school officially became a high school a few years ago. They have nine students that have advanced out of recent district competition with seven of those students advancing out of regional competition. Those seven have qualified for the pre-area Texas Music Educators Association audition to be held in November. That is the most ever for the school.

The district and regional competitions were hosted by VMHS this past weekend. Over 200 students from several school districts participated.

Advancing to the pre-area auditions are: Elisa Rangel, Lauren Garcia, Sara Martinez, Krystal Cavazos, Juventino Hurtado, Hiram Chavez, Salomon Lopez. Danny Lopez and Jacob Gaitan advanced out of district to the regional audition.

The VMHS choir will hold their first concert of the school year on October 15 at the First Presbyterian Church in Mission at 7:30 p.m. It will be a joint concert with the Mission Junior High School choir.

Pictured on the front row from left to right are: Elisa Rangel, Lauren Garcia, Sara Martinez, Krystal Cavazos. On the second row from left to right are: Danny Lopez, Juventino Hurtado, Hiram Chavez, Salomon Lopez, Jacob Gaitan. On the back row from left to right are: Pat Masso, principal; Linda Holkup, Mission Junior High choir director; Leticia Rodriguez, VMHS choir director; Vanessa Villarreal, Mission Junior High student teacher; Stacy Gonzalez, VMHS assistant director.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mission CISD Schools are NOT releasing early



Some of our campuses are calling in saying parents are calling them, indicating they heard on the news and/or radio that Mission schools are releasing students early today.  This is not true.  At this time all Mission CISD schools are observing a normal school day schedule.  For those of you with radio stations in the building, I would appreciate it if you could check with them to make sure they are not sending out wrong information.  I am hoping this is just a case of parents hearing something incorrectly. :)  Your help is appreciated.


Craig Verley

Director of Public Relations and Marketing

Mission CISD

1201 Bryce Drive

Mission, TX 78572





Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mission High School Class Of 1987 Reunion Homepage

Here's the link to the updated homepage.....you've probably already got
all this info but..... better safe than sorry :)


Please remember to RSVP and get your money in as soon as possible!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mission CISD Board Highlights for September 11

I got the following from Craig Verley. Please read for more info about the MCISD School Board.



Here is your link to the Board Highlights podcast for the trustees meeting of September 11



Here is your link to the pdf version of Board Highlights



Here is your link to the Board Highlights archive page

Mission CISD Board Highlights


The pdf version of Board Highlights is best viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher.  It is a free download from www.adobe.com.  For more information on any of the district podcasts, click this link MCISD Public Relations Podcasts.



Craig Verley

Director of Public Relations and Marketing

Mission CISD

1201 Bryce Drive

Mission, TX 78572


