Mission, Texas Brain

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mission HS JROTC Fighting Eagle Battalion places in top three

The Mission High School (MHS) JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp) Fighting Eagle Battalion recently had 29 cadets participate in the Zapata High School JROTC Invitational Skills Meet. The battalion competed against ten other groups from the area, including Laredo. Overall, the Fighting Eagle Battalion placed third in the competition.
Their performance at this competition no only led to an invitation to return next year, but also an invitation to participate in the JROTC Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge that will be held in June 2013 near San Antonio with 15 other high schools from throughout South Texas.
In addition to the third place finish for the battalion, the group also earned the following: first place in the shuttle run, second place in a cadet challenge combining three events, second place in Dizzy Lizzy, third place in volleyball, and third place in the unarmed drill team competition.
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Craig Verley
Director of Public Relations and Marketing
Mission CISD
1201 Bryce Drive
Mission, TX 78572
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